Hemp for Golfers: Everything You Need to Know

Posted on September 30 2022

Our team sat down with Dr. Dave Gordon, MD, IFMCP, ABoIM and asked him a series of questions related to hemp for golfers. Why would a golfer want to take hemp? When is the best time to take it and how does it work? An avid fitness enthusiast himself, Dr. Dave outlines why hemp would be a great addition to your golf routine.


Why is hemp a great recovery tool for both golfers and athletes in general?

Healthy recovery is crucial for athletes that want excellent performance and continued enjoyment of their sport. Hemp has been shown to positively affect so many aspects of recovery including discomfort, inflammation and sleep. It’s not surprising that hemp is regularly used by golfers as well as athletes in other sports. Research has shown that a small dose of CBD may significantly help delayed onset muscle soreness, one of the biggest problems for athletes. Another reason hemp for golfers is great is due to its safety. CBD has so much potential to help without causing undesired side effects. 


Should you take hemp right after golfing? 

It makes sense on many levels. Taking hemp after a workout can reduce muscle soreness. Plus, many people need help winding down to get back to their regular day, or get ready for sleep. Hemp can help there too.


Why is CBD great for golfers’ tendons?

Inflammation…Inflammation…Inflammation from swinging. Golfing is tough on tendons as the many aspects of the swing, including balancing the explosive forward motion to the long lever arm effect by the force of the club, swinging can lead to pain, inflammation and potentially even arthritis. Hemp is great at reducing that exercise-induced inflammation and could be considered safer than commonly used supplements. It’s great that hemp can be ingested, or applied directly to the muscles and joints, to help inflammation and discomfort after a round of golf.


Are there any benefits to taking hemp before training?

Does discomfort limit your swing? Do you get pre-performance stress? Does stress from your workday affect your game? Those are just some of the reasons someone might use hemp for golfing. Getting yourself in the right mindset and not allowing yourself to be distracted by discomfort, stress, or jitters is crucial to a good day on the course. Just ask Milt F., verified buyer who wrote in to say he was surprised that using our products he was able to “play 18 holes without any discomfort.”


A lot of athletes get anxious/competition jitters, disrupting their gut. Any tips to help prevent this or how best to prepare for it?

Pre-performance nerves can be crippling for many athletes, whether it sends them running to the bathroom or limits their success. Hemp for golfers could improve pre-performance stress and stress-induced spikes in heart rate and blood pressure, so it’s a great tool to consider.   

Also don’t forgot the basics! Regular practice, breathing exercises, positive visualization, quality nutrition, and sufficient sleep are all necessary to limit pre-performance jitters and should always be done alongside your CBD routine.